Friday, July 17, 2009

How Do I Make a Heart Symbol With My Keyboard?

It is really easy to make the heart symbol.

This is how to do it.

& hearts ; without the spaces.

How Do I Make a Symbol With My Keyboard?

Thursday, July 16, 2009

When You Fight - Do You Fight Fair?

If you want to save/keep your marriage or if you are concerned about getting married, one way to help the relationship is to learn to fight fair. Everyone who is in a relationship has had or will eventually have an argument or two about something, but the trick to letting bygones be bygones is to fight with the other persons feeling in mind.

Listen as You Want to Be Listened To – Usually when people are involved in an argument, instead of listening to all that the other person has say, that time is instead spent thinking of what smart remark they will make as soon as they think of it. When you fight in this manner you will never really hear what your partner is saying to you and the issue will more than likely never be resolved. Make it a point to really listen to what the other person is saying, it may one day be something that you will wish you had heard.

Save the Attack for the Sharks in the Movies – No one likes to be attacked especially by a loved one. When you have a point to make, structure your statement in a way that takes the attack out of it. Instead of saying things in a hurtful manner you can rearrange the words so that what you are saying will come across not an attack. Example; You are so thoughtless, why can’t you remember to pay the bill on time?! Try This; When you forget to pay the bill on time, it causes problems with our finances.

Don’t Tell Me it’s Over – Do not say the relationship is over. Constantly threatening to end the relationship is not a good idea. First of all if you say it often enough, it may begin to sound like an excellent idea and life without you may not seem so bad after all. Lastly, are you sure you want to do that? Unless you are seriously ready to end the relation, don’t threaten to do it.

In every relationship - friendship, sister, brother, parents... - there will be conflicts and arguments, you can use these rules to help you keep all of your relationships stable.

Are You a Good Manager?

→ What Makes a Good Manager?

→ What Are The Skills Needed To Be A Good Manager?

→ Do You Possess The Qualities of a Good Manager?

You go to work everyday to your prestigious management position. Do you do a good job, are you a good manager or do the employees take advantage of you or do they hate to see you coming?

Here are a few suggestions to help you become a better boss and manager.

Get the job done - not by being rude, hard and stand-offish but by being persistent, understanding and patient.

Be flexible - just because you have a certain way of doing things does not mean that it is always the right way. You have to be willing to assess any given situation and then take action that will lead to the most favorable outcome for the business.

Develop a network - get to know as much as possible about the company that you work for and you will then be able to understand more about what you need to do instead of what you want to do.

Stay focused - on what is the most important. Don’t spend your time on that employee that you dislike. That time could be better spent on improving production and other areas important to the business.

Get it done - by training your employees to get the job done right the first time, every time. Don’t be afraid to delegate in order to keep things running smoothly.

Remember - you were once where your employees are, just starting your career. Just because someone does not appear to be an expert the first day on the job does not mean that the employee is not qualified.

Examples of the job description for a manager varies from place to place but, if you follow the rules above, you will be ready if you are thinking of taking over the manager position at your place of business

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Why Buy Clothes Made of Down

Buying Your Clothes Made of Down Can be a Good Investment of Your Money

To get the best quality down garments are those that are rated with a high “fill-power rating”. The higher the fill-power rating number the warmer the garment will be. Down that is rated with a 700 cubic inch measurement will be warmer than a garment with a 550 cubic inch raring.

The higher the number the better the quality and the higher the cost will be.

Clothes of this quality will last for years and if you have or pland to have a large family - they will make good hand-me-downs.

If you live in a cold climate, you should consider buying under-clothes made of down. Thesy are warmer because they have insulating qualities that allows it to trap warmth and it helps to keep heat from escaping.

The Correct Way to Wash Your Hands

How to wash your hands properly and kill the most germs

There are many different ways today to instantly kill the germs that lurk all over our hands, but what is the best way to get rid of these dangerous little stinkers? All of the options out there do effectively kill germs which are a plus but which one is the best overall?

Antibacterial Soaps – These antibacterial soaps are effective at killing the germs on your hands when you wash with them… at first. The regular use of antibacterial soap will cause germs to grow stronger strains that are more resistant to the soaps’ germ killing ability.

Hand Sanitizer – The number one advantage of the hand sanitizer is that you can use it anywhere. You do not need soap and water for the sanitizer to take effect and this does encourage more people to sanitize more often. Look for a hand sanitizer that is at least 60 to 70 percent alcohol.

Soap and Water – While soap and water has always been the number one way people choose to clean their hands, this method does not kill as many germs as the liquid hand sanitizers - such as rotovirus - a stomach virus in children.

When you wash with soap and water, you should use water that is as hot as you can stand it (of course with out scalding yourself), and for at least a full minuter or longer, to get rid of the most germs.

Should You Buy the Extended Warranty?

The service contract that you can get when you purchase a new appliance will protect your appliance if it fails. The contract will cost from $50.00 to over $300.00 and it is from one to four yeas and some of them extend the life of the manufacturers’ warranty while some are in place at the same time as the original warranty.

The amount of coverage is not the same for all extended service contracts. Some cover only the appliance while some will even cover the contents of the ‘fridge.

If you are making a purchase that is for an expensive top of the line appliance, the extended warranty should be included in the amount of the purchase. If it is not included, a friendly conversation with the store manager or owner should change that.

Most new appliances – no matter what the price - will show their true colors long before the return policy has expired or long after the warranty is over.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Should You Enter Bankrupty Protection?

Bankruptcy seems like an easy way to get rid of your financial worries, but sometimes that is the furthest thing from the truth. So many people who do file think that it is the way to go so that they can live above their means and then simply declare bankruptcy to make payments more manageable or to make the payments go away altogether.

It seems that the fact that someone has to pay for their over-indulgences does not matter, the only thing that matters is that the - sometimes greedy - filers live the high life - without paying full price.

Some people do genuinely need help because of circumstances beyond their control -- such as illness, loss of wages, death, fire or some other disaster. Exorbitant loans that you get to sustain a lifestyle that is meant for the rich does not qualify as a valid reason to declare bankruptcy.

After you find that you cannot meet the payments of the loan, filing for bankruptcy is not the answer. The answer most likely is -- do not get the loan in the first place. Scale down your spending habits now so that you will be more prepared for the future.

What made it so inviting for people to file in the first place was the conditions of the bankruptcy. Chapter 7 bankruptcy allows you the privacy of not revealing your income and the debts are cleared by turning over a small portion of your assets. There are several exemptions -- (although, not 100%)

  • Automobile Equity
  • Home Equity - more, if both spouses file
  • Jewelry
  • Clothing
  • Books
  • Household Items, and more.

  • When you file Chapter 13 bankruptcy you are required to reveal only your regular income and this income is used to repay only a small percentage of your debts -- as little as 10 Cents on the dollar down to a mere one penny on the dollar.

    Whether you file Chapter 7 or Chapter 13, it is not necessary for you to prove your financial difficulties. The fact that you are filing is your proof and this proof allows you to wipe out your outstanding debts and keep a large portion of your assets.

    To add sugar to the icing, the law forbids a business or person who has filed for bankruptcy to be - legally - labeled as such, debtor is the lawful term.
    What you also need to know is that the bankruptcy stays on your credit record for 10 years and the only way you can pay your debts after you file for bankruptcy is through the courts.

    Because of all of the abuse of the Federal Bankruptcy Act of 1978 Bill that was passed the bankruptcy laws are now changing, and they will probably change even more as time goes on.

    So, the question is Should You File for Bankruptcy ?

    Should You Buy the Extended Warranty?

    The service contract that you can get when you purchase a new appliance will protect your appliance if it fails. The contract will cost from $50.00 to over $300.00 and it is from one to four yeas and some of them extend the life of the manufacturer's warranty while some are in place at the same time as the original warranty.

    The amount of coverage is not the same for all extended service contracts. Some cover only the appliance while some will even cover the contents of the ‘fridge.

    If you are making a purchase that is for an expensive top of the line appliance, the extended warranty should be included in the amount of the purchase. If it is not included, a friendly conversation with the store manager or owner should change that.

    Most new appliances – no matter what the price - will show their true colors long before the return policy has expired or long after the warranty is over.

    What Are The Advantages of Forex

    1)There are only six major pairs.
    Trade the US Dollar Against:
    Euro Dollar
    British Pound
    Swiss Franc
    Canadian Dollar
    Japanese Yen
    Australian Dollar

    2.) You can make trades 24 hours a day.
    The Forex Market is open form: Sunday 5PM ET through Friday 4PM ET.

    3.) You can open an account for less than $500

    4.) There are no commissions.

    5.) Incredible Leverage:
    Mini Leverage
    One $500 Lot controls an astonishing $10,000
    Currency pair moves 1¢
    1¢ equals 100 Pips

    Standard Leverage
    One $1000 Lot controls $10,000
    Currency Pair moves 1¢
    1¢ equals 100 Pips
    100 Pips x $10 = $1000 profit

    How to Choose A Mortgage Broker

    Where you decide to live your life, as well as your financial state, can have a profound effect on the quality of your life and your overall happiness.

    If you are not living in the perfect place, now is the time to do something about it. Mortgage rates are at a 40 year low, that means you can now get your Dream Home at irresistible prices.

    You should start searching for a broker as soon as you decide to buy a home. Talk to as many as you can, and then choose someone you think you'll be comfortable working closely with.

    Many of your friends and relatives have probably bought and sold their homes through a broker. Ask them several questions about who they used and what their experiences were.

    You can find out which brokers specialize in the kind of home or the area you want by clicking on the links above or below. When you talk to prospective brokers, ask questions about the areas and types of homes in which you're interested.

    Do they seem knowledgeable? Most important, is their personal style a good fit with your own? You will find someone to help through the process of purchasing or selling your home and many other financial needs.