Sunday, August 12, 2012

Chrysanthemums In The Garden

Chrysanthemums come in lots of different colors, styles and sizes and you are sure to find a color combination to suit your color scheme. Some are small like little buttons while some are big balls with luscious petals, that look a lot like a Daisy. They show their blooms from mid to late August on through October. The late season blooms add color to your garden when it seems as if everything is over.

Put your plants in full sun in soil that has good drainage and make sure you fertilize at least once each month during the growing season. When your plants have new shoots that are at least six inches long, you should pinch them back to promote more shoots and stronger branches.

Every other Spring you should divide your chrysanthemums to get your new plants. Plant the new plants in full sun in well-drained soil.

Here are some more Chrysanthemum growing tips;

When you buy your plants, look for healthy and free of visible damage.
Don't plant your plants too close together. Chrysanthemums need good circulation.
At the end of June, pinch your plant shoots back. You will get bigger better blooms.
Do not let your plants experience freezing weather. Protect them during the winter months with a covering of mulch.
Provide proper drainage or your plants may drown and/or develop root rot.

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