Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Why Is My Hair Getting Thinner and What Can I Do About It?

There are may reasons why hair gets thinner and the problems of thinning hair affects more than 4.5 million American women - and even more men.

You hair is made up of layers:

  • The Cuticle - The top layer that you see is called the cuticle which is made up of dead skin cells that layer each other like shingles on a roof.

  • The Cortex - The middle layer is the cortex and it make up the bulk of the hair strand.

  • The Follicle - The follicle is that area of the scalp from which each individual hair grows. The smaller the size of the hole of the follicle, the thinner the hair will be. The larger the hole of follicle, the thicker the hair will be.
Here are some of the causes of thin and thinning hair:

  • Aging - Most people will face the problem of thinning hair as the years pass.
  • Hair Care Products - Too many hair care products piled on you hair can eventually cause harm to your hair. Using your curling iron and other heat styling products can cause your hair to break off and fall out resulting in the appearance of thinning hair.
  • Heredity - This can lead to a cycle where your hair follicles will shrink over time causing shorter and shorter hair growing cycles until -- coupled with natural hair loss -- there is hardly any hair left.
  • Hormones - Your hormones can affect you in much the same way as heredity. Your hormones can cause shrinking hair follicles, too rapid hair loss and shorter hair growing cycles.
  • Medical Conditions and Some Medications - Birth control, some anti-depressants, stress and childbirth can cause your hair to temporarily fall out or become thinner.
  • Poor Diet - What you eat can affect the way your hair look. A balanced diet will give you shiny healthy looking hair.
  • Too Tight Hair Styles - constantly wearing hairstyles that tug and pull your hair will eventually cause your hair to become thinner at the points of stress. Do not wear too tight ponytails or tightly braided hair on a regular basis.
Some solutions to stop your thinning hair:

  • If you think your thinning hair is caused by an illness or your medications, consult your doctor for some advice.
  • Be aware of your hair styles, make sure your hair is not pulled too tightly
  • Use products that are for “thin hair” or products that will add volume to your hair.
  • If you wear weave in your hair, stop wearing it for a few months. When you sew and glue weave in your hair you are causing severe damage to your scalp and hair follicles that may make your hair irreversibly damaged.
  • Put some onion water or garlic water on your hair. Chop onion or garlic and put it in a little water. Put it on your scalp an hour before you wash your hair. Do this only if you do not have chemicals in your hair.
  • Apply olive oil to your hair and put a plastic cap or bag on for an hour or so then shampoo and condition your hair.
  • Keep your hair clean and moisturized
  • Eat a well balanced diet with sufficient ‘good’ oil included to give your hair much needed nutrients.
  • Leave your hair alone for a while, constantly combing and styling it causes breakage.
100% shea butter used as a thinning hair treatment will give your hair strength and shine.

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